There will be a 2hr delay today in all MSAD44 schools, Monday, February 3, 2025.
2 days ago, Mark Kenney
Don't forget tickets are available for SAD #44 Day at the Maine Mariners!
23 days ago, Tanya Arsenault
SAD 44 Day at the Maine Mariners
Join us for SAD #44 day at the Maine Mariners!
about 2 months ago, Tanya Arsenault
Maine Mariners
QR Code
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, due to icy road conditions this morning, a 2 hr delay for all MSAD#44 schools.
about 2 months ago, Mark Kenney
icy roads
2hr delay for MSAD44 today, Tuesday, December 10, 2024
about 2 months ago, Mark Kenney
No school today in MSAD#44, Thursday, December 5, 2024.
2 months ago, Mark Kenney
Last chance to put in a bid on surplus vehicles here in SAD44. If you are interested, PLEASE send in a bid by this Friday 12/6/24 to the Central Office! Thank you.
2 months ago, Mark Kenney
No after school activities in SAD44 this afternoon, Tuesday, November 26th. This includes MKA at the elementary level. Thank you and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago, Mark Kenney
Mt. Abram and the Bethel Food Pantry are looking for helpers for Turkey Tuesday!
3 months ago, Mark Kenney
Turkey Tuesday
All seniors and your parents/guardians-- Please join us on Weds., 11/13 from 5-6pm for a virtual Financial Aid session with Michelle Radley, a college access counselor with the Maine Finance Authority. The TMS/THS library will be open for those who wish to view the ZOOM presentation at school. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 856 9359 1523
3 months ago, Tonya Lewis
November 7, 2024 Telstar Middle School is actively looking for a JV Girls Basketball Coach and Telstar High School is in need of an Alpine Coach. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Gail Wight at 824-2136 x 1304 or email at Thank you!
3 months ago, Mark Kenney
I was able to skip out and see the annual Halloween parade through town this afternoon for grades k-5 on this gorgeous day! It never disappoints and was awesome to see Main Street lined with family and friends to watch. Job well done and thanks to our THS volunteers to help out!
3 months ago, Mark Kenney
parade 2
parade 3
parade 4
admin team
parade 5
annual parade
the view up Main Street
HS help
parade 8
This bond is to help our students and programs at Region 9. Your support is appreciated when you go to the polls on November 5th.
4 months ago, Mark Kenney
Reg 9
We are looking for the following winter coaches for the 2024-2025 season: HS Alpine Race Team MS Girls Head Basketball MS Girls Assistant Basketball For more information, please contact Gail Wight at or 824-2136 x1304 Thank you!!
4 months ago, Mark Kenney
Attention Junior and Senior families!
4 months ago, Tonya Lewis
Please consider joining our team! We have a great insurance and benefits package, good hours and great people/students to work with!
4 months ago, Mark Kenney
Help Wanted
This evening at 5pm we will be conducting a test of the emergency alert system for MSAD44. We are rebuilding the data base from scratch to hopefully get all of the kinks worked out. Your students were given a paper form we ask you to fill out and return tomorrow please to help us identify who this is and is not working for. We are also posting the same information and a picture of the form to our websites and Facebook pages to try and make sure we are getting the word out to all families and to see if the system is working properly. If you do not receive a call, text, and email this evening, and you believe you should, please contact your school office in the morning. Thank you for your patience through this process. Mark
5 months ago, Mark Kenney
Thrillshare Verification
The time of the football game Saturday at Kittery Memorial Field in Kittery, Maine has been changed to 11am. The game is vs Traip Academy.
5 months ago, Wendy Hanscom
Good morning, I wanted to give you an update, following the cancellation of school this morning, Monday, September 9, 2024 in all MSAD#44 schools. We have been working with the OCSO all morning following up on a report that came in overnight from a student/parent who saw a post on Snapchat. We were not able prior to school opening to talk to all parties involved and come to a conclusion about the credibility of the threat made so I made the decision to close schools while we continued to investigate. The reason the elementary schools were also canceled is similar to last week, if we do not have 50% district attendance, the day would not count, and without the middle and high school in session, we fall below that mark. Unfortunately we have been in the process of changing over our Student Information Systems from Infinite Campus (IC) to the new system PowerSchool.  There have been some big glitches with that transfer and unfortunately our Instant Alert system is not working properly which is making it difficult to consistently get the word out to all staff and families.  We are working on this as I type and apologize for that communication break down. We have made the decision along with the OCSO now that the threat is not seen as credible to allow for the Telstar High School home soccer games to still take place today as well as other HS practices.  There will be no MS sports tonight .  The biggest take away we can ask is that if you or your student hear information about this or any situation that poses a safety risk that they tell an adult, teacher, coach in the moment and no continue to talk about rumors, post things to social media, etc. so we can investigate quickly and thoroughly to help avoid situations like this morning. Helping to have that conversation at home would be appreciated greatly. Starting tomorrow OCSO will have deputy presence on the Telstar campus for the remainder of the week while students are present.  School will resume for everyone tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 10, 2024.  This does count as our first snow day cancellation of the 2024-2025 school year. This incident has nothing to do with our issues last week with the fire alarm system at Telstar. That was successfully fixed and inspected on Saturday. Thank you, Mark
5 months ago, Mark Kenney
Unfortunately, MSAD#44 schools will not be able to open today, Monday, September 9, 2024. Sorry for the late notice. We had a credible threat come in towards the Telstar complex that we are working on with OCSO. My apologies. and yes, this will have to count as our first snow day for 2024-2025.
5 months ago, Mark Kenney