There will be an informational meeting this Thursday evening at 6:30pm in the Telstar Library for any Junior students and their parents/guardians who want to learn more about the Telstar/CMCC Dual Enrollment programs which is returning next year.
Check out Lindsy Stephenson today at 3pm!
Lindsy Stephenson will be performing in the District 2 Vocal Festival Saturday at Windham HS.
Here is the link to the live stream:
Tonight 2/3/22 there will no after school activities at Telstar or Late Busses running due to the pending weather. Everyone will be dismissed at 2:20pm.
No alpine or nordic ski (MS and HS), no basketball (HS), no TMS MKA, no Rec Ski, no NorthStar activity night rock climbing (MS), and no MS Basketball end of year gathering.
No HS Boys Basketball game at home tonight vs Lisbon due to the pending weather.
Thank you!
Some HS Basketball updates to add to your calendars:
HS Boys Basketball Game at Wiscasset(today) has been postponed until Feb. 7.
HS Girls Basketball will also travel to Wiscasset on Feb. 7th.
HS Girls Basketball game Saturday Jan. 29th postponed until Feb. 1st.
Due to lack of player numbers for Buckfield, tonight's JV boys game at Telstar will be shortened to 2 quarters instead of the regular 4 quarters. The compromise was made vs cancelling the JV game all together. This means the Varsity game will start earlier, closer to 5:45pm. Thank you.
THS Girls Basketball team photos:
Wednesday, January 26th
3:45pm at practice
The last round of winter sports team photos will be this week on:
Thursday Jan. 27th
1-HS Alpine
2-MS Alpine
3-HS Nordic
Starting at 2:30. Thank you.
The Telstar High School Senior Class has requested that everyone wear Blue and White to school tomorrow in honor of Senora Ojeda. Thank you for considering participating.
Check out Ella Hopps today District 2 High School Instrumental Festival. Ella is playing Clarinet in the HS Honors Band. The concert performance is at 3pm!
The link is for Facebook live. Good luck Ella!
Game change for THS home basketball tomorrow (1/13/22) vs Boothbay. The girls will not be playing, Boothbay does not have enough players so now it will be a JV Boys game at 5:00 followed by the originally scheduled Varsity Boys at 6:30.
Thank you.
The THS Girls Basketball Game tonight has been postponed due to the weather.
Due to the timing of the storm today (Friday, January 7, 2022), our transportation department is not running a bus to or from Region 9 today for Telstar students. Students will be excused from their programming today, Mrs. Meisner will call Region 9 on their behalf.
Sorry for the late notice.
Thank you.
The clothing website is reopening for one last chance to get those Christmas presents in!!
The site will close on November 30th.
Code: 67GU8
Thank you for your support and enjoy the Rebel Gear!!
The UMPI/UMF Early College Virtual Open House will be on Monday, November 8th at 5:30pm. Click on the Zoom link to attend: Enter Password: 315989
High School Parents!! Located on the high school website, under the Documents section, there is a copy of most recent presentation slides on applying to college and financial aid for students and parents presented by Mrs. Lynch and Ms. Lindsay for your reference.
You are all welcome to do some Trick or Treating this Sunday in the Telstar Student Parking lot courtesy of the THS FBLA club! Hope to see you there!!
Just a reminder that the Telstar PTA Clothing Store will close tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20th at midnight.
Code: TN5R3
Orders are delivered to school where you can pick them up or have them sent home with your student. They do not ship direct.
Just a reminder that the flu shot clinic at Telstar will be on Monday, October 18th starting at 8am if you have already signed your student up. If your plans have changed and you will not require a shot that you signed up for, would you please contact the office at 824-2136. Thank you!
Good Morning,
On behalf of the Telstar All Sports Boosters I am reaching out for donations and volunteers to work the snack shack at the last HS game on 10/16. We need people to set up/cook/take down from about an hour before games until the game ends. We recommend working in 2 hour shifts. This game we will be doing Burgers/FF and Hot Dogs, (grill cheese if we want) & baked goods. Here is what we need for Help/Food:
hamburg patties/rolls: Seneca, Harmony, Angie Harris
Ketchup: Koral
Tub Butter- Janet
Soda:Angie Harris, Echoo, Tania E, Deb Doyle, Amber Cooper
Gatorade (small bottles): Deb Doyle, Amanda L.
Baked Goods: Diane & Alyssa, Angie H, Amy Lily, Echoo
Potatoes: Sunday River Farms
Paper Goods:
Candy: Koral
Crock Pot: Tania E
Kitchen help:
12-130pm: Bekah C, Echoo, Amy Lilly
2-4pm: Janet Stephenson, Tanya Mason
Please let me know if you can donate an item or your time. You can email me at
Thank You,
Telstar All Sports Boosters/Koral Fraser