
Good morning Telstar!   

A reminder that high School students are not allowed to use the 8th grade science wing bathrooms.

Also, backpacks are to be stored in lockers.

 ASA will be held each Tuesday after school in Room 203

 Seniors, a representative will be here, from the University of Maine at Farmington, today at 11:45 a.m. 

 The fitness room will be open Monday's, Tuesdays and Thursdays unless otherwise noted until Christmas break.

You are invited to Bethel Alliance Church for Altitude! We will be meeting every Thursday from 5-7 PM for some games, snacks, and fun activities!”

Students – If you are going to town in the afternoons, you need to ride Bus #29 with Mrs. Stone.  This includes the Bethel Park Apartments, skate park, and anywhere on Main Street.

Sr. pictures are due to Ms. Ingraham by this October 28th.  Sending a digital copy is preferable.

 All phones are not to be used while walking around the hallways, same goes for ear buds. From 7:40 am until dismissal, cell phones are allowed during breakfast, lunch, or in the classroom with teacher permission.

 Students – There are no hats worn in school nor backpacks being carried around during the school day.  Please use your lockers that have been assigned to you. Thank you for complying with the school rules.

All  new drivers,  please register vehicles with the High School office.

Tuesday, 10/25. Mock elections in Dr. Poston's room

Wednesday, 10/26 - Drivers Ed. class starts next week.

Thursday, 10/27 - High School field hockey dismissed at 1:15. 


Please stand for the Pledge.  Region 9 to the bus.

Have a great day Telstar!